Feeling like you have Guilty Mom Syndrome?

Guilty Mom Syndrome?

I think I have “Guilty Mom Syndrome”

Today was just not a good day. I will not bore you with all the details. If you are a mother, you already live them…every day! I’ve been lying here in my bed for several hours trying to come up with something profound to write today. Instead my mind was flooded with all the things I did ‘wrong’ today.

  • I neglected to put God first by saying my prayers and reading my scriptures
  • I yelled at my kids because they were acting horrible.
  • I broke my healthy diet and binged on Chik-fil-a followed by a trip to Target for a treat which ended up being several that are now hidden in the master bedroom shower. (don’t tell the kids!)
  • I didn’t exercise.
  • I’m hiding from my kids.
  • I can keep going…
  • Do I really need to say more??

Then I started to think of all the things I constantly feel guilt for as a mother. It is an ON-GOING NON STOP mental and emotional battle. From the minute my kids were born I have found more and more things to feel guilty of.


I don’t know. I guess it’s because I absolutely love to torture myself everyday. So why not just feel guilty….

Mother: Guilty as Charged

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, or Dessert! There's a Crescent Roll Recipe for that!

The Best Crescent Roll Recipes

If you’ve been on pinterest enough, I’m sure you’ve noticed there are plenty of recipes using Pillsbury Crescent Roll Dough. I’m normally not a fan of buying pre-made doughs from the grocery store, but one of my husbands favorite recipes is Chicken Pillows which, of course, uses crescent roll dough. Since I’m not obviously gonna make the dough from scratch (who has time for that?) it eventually sneaks into my fridge from time to time. Well, since everyone seems to just be going crazy over crescent roll recipes, I thought I’d do a round up of some of my favorites that I’ve seen on Pinterest. If you have a favorite and it’s not included here, let me know! To get the recipes, click on the pictures (after the collage) to go to the original website! Whether you’re planning breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert there’s a crescent roll recipe for it! Enjoy!

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, or Dessert! There's a Crescent Roll Recipe for that!

Keep a house clean with KIDS? How do other moms do it?? This secret might just make you laugh! #DoubletheBatch

How to Keep a House Clean with Kids!

I remember when I was growing up my mom struggled to keep a clean house with kids more than anything else. It felt like we were always being asked to do chores, yet the house just never stayed clean…EVER! Now, as an adult, with 4 kids of my own, I wonder how on earth my mom stayed sane? After all, I’m sure it would have been so much easier for her to just throw us all outside in a makeshift tent and tell us to fend for ourselves until we could learn to clean up after ourselves!! (the thought might have crossed my own mind this past month!)

So, you’re probably here because you are dying to know HOW ON EARTH to keep a house clean with KIDS!! There has just gotta be a way, right? I mean, other mom’s do it, right? You’ve most likely walked into one of THOSE homes where everything seems to be in place, the kids have clean matching clothes, & clean faces too!

How on earth do they do it??

Keep a house clean with KIDS? I've seen other people do it. What is their secret? This secret might just make you laugh!

I think I have finally found out how to keep a house clean with kids! My life will forever be changed now. I can officially be June Cleaver, Martha Stewart, and Carol Brady all rolled into one! (except Carol Brady had Alice to cook and clean for her so she gets kicked off the list!) Here is the magic formula: