Remember that T.V. show – Kids Say the Darndest Things? Well, I feel like since becoming a parent, the darndest things keep coming out of my mouth. Things I never dreamed I would have a reason to say. I’ve actually said things to my children and then thought to myself, “Did I really just say that? Why would I say those words?” And not just the classic lines your parents said to you that you catch yourself saying to your kids. I’m talking just really weird warnings, reprimands, and requests based on the strange and unreasonable things you find your children doing all day long. So, here is my list of the top 15 phrases I never would have said if I didn’t have kids.
One Amazing Trick to Lighten Your Laundry Load
Laundry. The bane of every mother’s existence. Never ending– ever. EVER! I’ve swam through so many piles of laundry at this point that I am pretty much the Michael Phelps of laundry swimming. And I’m thinking– where is my medal? We should totally be giving out medals to women who actually manage to stay on top of their laundry. It seems like the impossible dream to me. A couple years ago it was getting so out of hand I decided I had to change something or I was going to go INSANE! So I did, and it made all the difference in the world. Let me explain.
Easy DIY Burlap Wreath
Okay! Check it out guys! I’m gettin’ my craft on! *jiggity jig* So this DIY Burlap Wreath was seriously so EASY to make and I think it turned out pretty good! Granted, I wish I had a darker door, because I think darker is classier. (Someday I’ll have a home of my very own and you can bet that door will be a dark color. ;-)) Anyway, Tangent over. Let’s get to the tutorial!
Here’s what you’ll need:
1. A Green Wire Wreath! I bought mine at Hobby Lobby for 3.99
but if you want your wreath smaller I’m sure it’s even cheaper than that.
The BEST Artichoke Dip
I have a great love for the Artichoke. I distinctly remember the first time I had the pleasure of eating one. I was 12 years old and having dinner at a friend’s house. I had never had so much fun eating a vegetable before! I liked them so much that I started asking for one in my stocking at Christmas because my mom never made them. I’m weird. I know. BUT– because I love artichokes I was thrilled when I tasted artichoke dip for the first time years ago. What a fantastic application of one of my favorite foods! However, I was disappointed when I tried to make it using a recipe that involved mayo because it would separate and get all oily. Not what I was looking for. I wanted creamy, stringy goodness!
Well, I was catering with a friend of mine a couple of years ago and the chef was making artichoke dip. He let me have a sample and it was AMAZING! I asked him what was in it and was surprised when he told me he used cream cheese instead of mayo- FANTASTIC IDEA, I thought–what isn’t better with a little cream cheese I ask you? And he added a secret ingredient that made it extra delicious and different from all the others I tasted. And that secret ingredient is basil. Who knew? But, I’m telling you- the basil is where it’s at. I took some of his ideas home and made my own variation of the recipe. I take this to all my appetizer style gatherings and it is always a hit. I’ve had some people tell me that it was the first time they liked artichoke dip because they hate mayo. So, without further ado, I give you the BEST Artichoke Dip with that secret ingredient you’ve been missing.
Sweet Ham and Swiss Sliders
My sister in law, Tina, made these Sweet Ham and Swiss Sliders at a recent family together and everyone LOVED them! I was standing in line for a THIRD one before they even came out of the oven! My husband made sure I got the recipe so that I could make them at home. These are perfect for feeding (and pleasing) a large crowd. I also love that they are quick and easy to throw together.
Quick and
Those are the only 3 qualifications for a recipe in MY house!
The great thing about these Sweet Ham and Cheese Sliders is that you can use whatever kind of rolls you want. These taste great with Hawaiian rolls, Rhodes rolls, or just your ordinary rolls from the bakery at your grocery store.
These would also be great for freezing leftovers and reheating in the microwave for lunches. They are small enough they wouldn’t take long to reheat. I don’t know about you, but I know my husband would much prefer some of these for lunch compared to the other lunches I’ve made for him.
Swiss Ham and Cheese Sliders
Fun Ways to Show Love to Your Family
A few years ago, I had an aunt die suddenly and I had to go out of town for a week to attend the funeral. It just happened to be the week of Valentine’s Day and I felt bad I wouldn’t be there to have fun with my family. I wanted my family to still feel loved even though I was in another state. I came up with a brilliant plan! I bought a bunch of fun treats and fun cards to go with each of them and then labeled them by number for each day I would be gone. I then stuffed everything into a big sack and took it to my neighbors house. I asked them if they could secretly deliver one thing (treats+cards) each day I was gone. I made sure to include a cute note and treat for my husband each day too. The result was better than I expected. My husband said my kids got so excited every day when their ‘secret person’ delivered their fun valentines!
I was thinking about that today and it got me really excited for this post! What if we did fun things like this for our family all year long instead of just Valentine’s Day? After all, who needs a holiday to show love, especially to our families! I went a little crazy and started looking for as many ideas as I could for fun ways to show love to your family! I tried to find ideas for kids, teens, and spouses as some things just work better for different ages. I hope you find some fun ideas for your own family and that you use them ALL YEAR LONG!