Morning sickness cures! Oh don’t we wish there was a cure for everything, especially if it was all natural! Unfortunately this isn’t the case. I have talked with lots of mom about their morning sickness journey, and some ultimately said that the only thing that cured them of their morning sickness was actually having the baby.
Don’t give up just yet! The odds of you being one of those are slim. Over 50% of woman get morning sickness and even less have it their entire pregnancy.
As you approach your morning sickness, I would start by treating it naturally at first and then move to modern medicine if you are still having struggles. This post focuses on all of the natural ways woman have deemed as their “morning sickness cures” OR helped alleviate their morning sickness.
These are direct quotes from woman who have been through the same thing, and I hope you can find at least one option to help you! As always, if you ever have any questions ASK YOUR DOCTOR FOR ADVICE if you are uncertain about any of these options. What works for one, may not work or may not be good for another.
27 Natural Morning Sickness Cures
#1- So something that helps me is Apple Cider Vinegar. It really helps me not throw up. I take 2 oz and swig it. It’s terrible tasting but it really settles my tummy. Also keep sour things on hand they’ve prevented me puking my guts out with number 4!
#2- Sea bands! They’re bracelets that apply pressure to a pressure point in your wrists. They’re amazing.
#3- Magnesium oil!! You can buy lotions and creams as well… I just spray the oil right on my stomach and within minutes it’s gone. It can be itchy, so a lot of people do lotions.. I don’t have time, I just want relief and it works wonders! I got mine from a local health food store!! It’s amazing! I would rather have an itch that goes away than be sick to my stomach. If you google magnesium oil for nausea it’s helped so many people!
#4 – The scent of lavender – Take a bath with lavender salts and many find relief doing this (some mentioned the nausea came back after they got out of the bath). You could diffuse lavender in a diffuser for extended release and benefits.
#5 – Doterra peppermint oil rubbed on the stomach seemed to help me. Their book says peppermint oil has to be diluted with pregnancy… I wouldn’t rub it directly like that. But you can mix it with fractionated coconut oil then rub it on.
#6 – Trader Joe’s ginger chews. They saved me my last pregnancy. They taste like ginger but they are sweet.
#7 – You can find ginger mango chews (Harmons, Amazon?) and I’ve loved those. I’m 11 weeks. Ginger tastes like soap to me so I have to do a mix.
#8 – Well besides trying preggie pops and stuff with ginger, lemon or peppermint… my doctor said that forsome people taking prenatal vitamins made nausea worse and told me folic acid was the most essential pill to take at that stage in the pregnancy.
#9- I read somewhere that it’s better to take prenatals at night, because they can feed that awfulmorning sickness…
#10- Magnesium (in electrolytes) in my diet helped a TON with my first pregnancy. I just drank a ton of smart water and it kept it at bay.
#11- Try a teaspoon of coke….. Cola ever 15 minutes for 3 hours and see if that helps….. It did for me
#12 – Lots of sleep. If you are constantly nauseous, your body wants you to rest since it takes so much energy in the first trimester. So it will make you slow down if you aren’t resting enough. Electrolytes. Even if you are drinking a bunch of water, if your electrolytes are off, you can be dehydrated and when dehydrated your nausea is insane. Eat in the bath. Sounds weird but it settles the tummy. I also put peppermint oil under my nose in my top lip. That settles nausea and makes it so I can’t smell anything else. Preggie pops which have Vitamin B and ginger help too. Eat every 2-3 hrs. When your blood sugar gets off you will feel worse. And the longer you go the worse your aversions get. So constantly eat. Protein helped me feel better even though I only wanted carbs. Haha
#13 – Trace minerals!! I took mineral essence but I’m sure any brand will do. Took my morning sickness away in minutes.
#14- I sucked on peppermint candies & I swear by pickles and pickle juice.
#15- Nothing ever did the trick for me so I would just eat foods that didn’t taste that bad coming out. 🤢
#16 – So what really saved me was lemon! I sliced a fresh lemon everyday and put 2 slices in a zip lock bag and when I felt like i was going to be sick I pulled out my trustie bag and sniffed till it went away. I know it’s weird but it was the only thing that worked for me
#17 – Fermented foods like kombucha have worked WONDERS for some people I know. Like night and day difference.
#18- Yoga…need more oxygen, blood flow.😁
#19 – Do you have a juicer? Juice carrots. Add an apple or two and a lemon. It will help sooo much! PS- don’t buy carrot juices at the store. They’re hard to stomach and then add the pregnancy sensitivity to that and you’ll just puke from how disgusting it tastes. Freshly juiced is amazingly so much better, tho it’s a bit different. But not bad.
#20 – The only thing that worked for me was to drink dill pickle juice!
#21 – Also, the smell of rubbing alcohol helps. My Mom was going through Chemo during my pregnancy and the nurses gave her that tip. She passed it on and I was grateful.
#22 – Ginger – I would just take a small slice of a ginger root from the store and put it under my tongue.
#23 – Ginger mint “tea” – Cut up about an inch of ginger, break up some mint leaves and put them all in a pot with enough water to make 2 mugs. Boil for about 10 minutes. Put in mugs and mix some honey in for sweetness. Drink a cup morning and night.
#24- I’ve found that having a piece of wheat toast in the morning helped the most and always snacking on something, never letting my stomach get empty. Here are 41 other foods that are good for morning sickness
#25- Take Unisom and Vitamin B6 before bed each night. MANY woman have found relief by the combination of these two supplements. Make sure it’s the right Unisom with Doxylamine. The sleep tabs NOT the gels. If you take them every night it helps so much. Ask your doctor for details on dosages and what is best for you and baby! You can find a detailed article about Unisom and Vitamin B6 for morning sickness here.
#26 – Bnatal drops – They are little candies that work amazingly
#27 – Hyland’s Nux Vomica– Natural homeopathic relief for nausea
I hope at least one of these natural morning sickness cures will help you find some relief. Pregnancy is such an exciting miracle, but is utterly exhausting at the same time. Here are 41 foods that are good for morning sickness.
Have you found any other natural morning sickness cures that have helped you?