***Reminder! If you are doing any online holiday shopping, don’t forget to activate your cash back from your Ebates account. This is the time of year when I get the most cash back! You can install this button on your browser and it will remind you every time you go to an eligible site for cash back! I love having the button because then I don’t ever have to think about it. I also highly recommend ZULILY for great deals and discounts on gifts for kids! You can find loads of amazing deals every day and even earn 15 dollars with their refer-a-friend program.***
Guys, there are so many adorable and fun toys out there for babies and toddlers. I only have one little 1 year old who would be perfectly satisfied with a cardboard box for Christmas but I’m just so excited that he’s finally understanding toys that I can’t help myself! Some of these toys are already tried and true loved ones from my little man and some just look so fun that I just need to relax and not buy them all.
If you’re looking for some gift ideas for babies and toddlers, I hope these fun ones offer some guidance. This list is only a FEW of the copious amounts of baby/toddler toys out there. If none of these are fittin’ your fancy, you can peruse a whole lot more from some of my favorite companies: Hasbro, Munchkin, Zulily, Learning Resources, Fisher Price, Melissa & Doug, Alex Toys, & Discovery Toys,
I love Playskools Fold ‘n Go toys! Whatever genius came up with these items deserves a gold star.
Playskool Fold ‘n Go Busy Elephant
Let’s get that baby walking! Sit-to-Stand Learning Walker
Love all the different edges for teething on. Bright Starts Lots of Links Accessory Toys for around $5
This was one of my favorite baby stages. When they play and suck on their little feet. I wish I had had some of these during that time.
Soft Toy Wrist Rattles Hands Foots finders
Love these dolls that help teach those necessary skills of zipping, buttoning, tying, etc. . . Playskool Dressy Kids Boy and Girl
Playskool Friends My Musical Celebration Castle
Play All Day Elmo
Learning Resources Jumbo Animals (They have several themes: Jungle, Farm, Forrest, Zoo, etc. . . )Any of Learning Resources Gears Toys. My toddler LOVES twisting, turning, and figuring out these gears!
What Child doesn’t love these? Love that they come in these big sizes for our littles to enjoy without chocking.
Pounding Bench Activity Center
Have you seen the commercials for this Bright Beats Dance & Move Beatbo? You can watch a little clip here. It dances, plays songs, teaches ABC’s and colors, and you can record your own voice. This is seriously adorable!
I watch over 8-12 babies/toddlers each week and this is the toy they all fight over. So much so that we have at least 4 of them in the room we play in.
Webkinz Stuffed Animals. We love these because there are so many different animals to choose from, they are super cheap and still great quality.
Munchkin Letters and Numbers Bath Toys
Munchkin Float & Play Bubbles Bath Toys
Love this Elephant Jumbo Jamboree that comes apart into 7 different parts.
We have one of these Laugh & Learn Puppy Smart Trains and my little man plays with it all the time. He loves making it go and then chasing after it.
We also LOVE Finger puppets! They are SO cheap and come in many different themes. We keep some in our diaper bag for when we need fast entertainment. 😉
Every kid must grow up with dinosaur toys. Here’s a 12 piece bundle for around $8.50
Balls. Any ball really. Little ones love them.
Bright Starts Drop & Giggle. This is especially fun to watch them learn where to put the balls.
My toddler loves mixing and matching the shapes on these Wood Turtles
I can’t help myself. We featured these in our Stocking Stuffers post, but I had to put them in here too because these little Moccs and Mary Janes are so stinkin’ cute! My little man kills me in these red ones.
If you’re looking for some awesome Stocking Stuffer Ideas, you’ll want to check out our post on Stocking Stuffer Ideas from Tots to Teens!