Super Simple Halloween Pizza
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  • Pre-made Pizza Crust
  • Pizza or Spaghetti Sauce
  • Mozzerella cheese clices
  • Olives
  • Ham, chopped
  • Misc. Pizza Toppings
  • Ghost Cookie Cutter
  1. Simply use a premade crust like packaged thin crust, naan bread, english muffins, french bread etc. and top with your favorite pizza or spaghetti sauce, cut thick slices (about ¼ inch thick) of mozzerella cheese and then use a ghost cookie cutter to cut out the cheese ghosts, slice olives to make spiders, and then top with whatever you would like! Bake in the oven @ 425 for 10-12 minutes. Eazy Peazy! Happy Halloween!
Recipe by Uplifting Mayhem at