When words just aren't enough, every relationship can benefit from these! #DoubletheBatch

5 Wordless Ways to Say I Love You!

I remember the first time I heard my husband utter those three precious words,

“I love you.”

It gave me chills, warmed my heart, and possibly kept me from sleeping that night. Isn’t it an amazing thing to know you are loved? We say those words to our boyfriend or girlfriend, to our spouse, and to our children. Over time, those 3 words can become even more meaningful as we back them up with how we treat the ones we love. I’ve learned how valuable my actions are in our marriage. The best way to show my husband I love him is by how I treat him! The same is true for him. Never am I more attracted to my husband than when he does things that I know aren’t pleasant, but that he does because he loves me. Being in a relationship takes work if you want it to last. Unfortunately, the most romantic songs and sonnets mean nothing without the truest form of love to back them up-serving the one we love! Here are 5 wordless ways to say I love you!When words just aren't enough, every relationship can benefit from these! #DoubletheBatch


Loved this!! Marriage is full of bumpy roads and break downs, but that doesn't mean it can't be AWESOME!! #DoubletheBatch

3 Miles to a Mind-Boggling Marriage!

Getting married is a little like buying a new car. If you’re smart, you’ve shopped around and done your research. Then comes the anticipated day when you finally cross your T’s, dot your I’s, sign your life away, and receive those shiny keys. You can’t wait to give it a test run and you could care less where the road leads. You’re just happy to finally have your very own new car. You know of other friends who have bought ‘lemons’ and had major disappointments down the road with their new vehicles, but of course that won’t happen to you! Not in THIS beautiful car!

Loved this. Marriage is full of bumpy roads and break downs, but that doesn't mean it can't be AWESOME!!

Such is the mindset of so many newlyweds. Yet, just as any car will eventually break down, every marriage experiences bumpy roads and unexpected twists and turns. The question is not necessarily  how long will your marriage work, but how much WORK are you willing to put into your marriage? Without regular oil changes, maintenance, and repairs, any vehicle will eventually break down to the point of being stranded and un-driveable. Then the question is whether to just abandon the vehicle and replace it or put in the time and money to fix it.