After our last road trip, these were the things that kept us all sane! Keeping kids happy in the car is no easy task!!

9 Great Ways to Keep Kids Happy in the Car!

We recently went on a road trip to California and I knew it would be a stretch for my kids to not only be happy in the car but to be NICE too. I planned ahead and looked for great ideas to help make our trip more enjoyable. In the long run, I just hoped to SURVIVE. I was pleasantly surprised at how well they did. 10-11 hours each way was not very comfortable but it worked! Here are some of the ideas I used that helped us have a successful & ‘mostly happy’ trip! I’ve also added a few extras that I have found since we came home that I wish we had used!

After our last road trip, these were the things that kept us all sane! Keeping kids happy in the car is no easy task!! #HeavenlyHavoc

1. Assigned seating! I purposely put certain children in specific places next to specific siblings. If you know that 2 of your children have a harder time getting along, you might want to separate them BEFORE you get on the road! I also put my oldest next to the toddler so that she could help him be happy since I was in the front.

This just might save my sanity right now! Frugal activities for kids!

15 Simple and Frugal Activities for Kids

It’s Frugal Friday again!!

I Love having my kids home for the summer. I DO NOT love dealing with bored kids during the summer. Hence the search for some simple AND frugal activities! I’ve had so  much fun doing this post! So many bloggers with such great ideas! These awesome moms are trying to entertain their kids just like the rest of us! I hope you enjoy all of these fun & frugal activities for kids. Hopefully they will save you some TIME and MONEY when it comes to entertaining the minions at your house!

Click on the pictures to take you to the original site for directions!

Let’s start with my favorite first! These homemade “Buggles” are absolutely adoreable from Pebbles and Piggytails!

frugal activities
“Buggles” Altoid Tin Craft by Pebbles and Piggytails